Emoji Set Lacks Crucial Options

Number:rdar://19925942 Date Originated:2015-02-23
Status:Closed Resolved:
Product:iOS Product Version:
Classification: Reproducible:Always
Last year, the emoji character set was extended with many useful new symbols. To date, Apple has not yet added these new emoji. Recent updates to iOS (8.3 Beta) and Mac OS X (10.10.3 Beta) include some new emoji (in the form of flags), as well as new shades/tones for people emoji. Diversity of races is a good thing, but where is the diversity for people who wish to communicate with widely recognized hand gestures?

In short, while this update showed promise, many including yours truly were deeply disappointed.


There are no plans to address this.

We are now closing this report.

If you have questions about the resolution, or if this is still a critical issue for you, then please update your bug report with that information.

Please be sure to regularly check new Apple releases for any updates that might affect this issue.


It's ridiculous that Apple has no plans to address this.

Lamentably, Apple has closed this ticket.

=== There are no plans to address this.

We are now closing this report.

If you have questions about the resolution, or if this is still a critical issue for you, then please update your bug report with that information.

Please be sure to regularly check new Apple releases for any updates that might affect this issue.

I can only hope that this is merely a simplified reply, and not an actual indication of a policy decision.

By Paul.Kafasis at March 4, 2015, 11:56 p.m. (reply...)

Please note: Reports posted here will not necessarily be seen by Apple. All problems should be submitted at bugreport.apple.com before they are posted here. Please only post information for Radars that you have filed yourself, and please do not include Apple confidential information in your posts. Thank you!