Add support for @defer Objective-C compiler directive

Number:rdar://21684961 Date Originated:06-Jul-2015 09:44 AM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Developer Tools Product Version:Xcode-beta (7A121l)
Classification:Feature (New) Reproducible:Not Applicable
With the excellent addition of “defer” to Swift, this seems like the perfect opportunity to also offer an @defer directive in Objective-C.  This is actually simple enough to express currently as a macro in Objective-C, but built in compiler support would provide the powerful construct as a built in feature of the language just like Swift has.  Below I’ve outlined how one must go about doing a defer today in Objective-C (which requires a header include/import) and how making @defer a directive would be a very natural addition to the language.

// some helper declarations

#define _custom_macro_concat(a, b) a##b
#define custom_macro_concat(a, b) _custom_macro_concat(a, b)
typedef void(^custom_defer_block_t)();
NS_INLINE void custom_deferFunc(__strong custom_defer_block_t *blockRef)
    custom_defer_block_t actualBlock = *blockRef;

// the core macro

#define custom_defer(deferBlock) \
__strong custom_defer_block_t custom_macro_concat(__custom_stack_defer_block_, __LINE__) __attribute__((cleanup(custom_deferFunc), unused)) = deferBlock

// use via macro in code

#include <custom_defer.h>

- (void)foo
    FILE *file = fopen(…);
        if (file) {

    // continue code where any stack exit will lead to the defer being executed

// if we had an @defer directive instead

- (void)foo
    FILE *file = fopen(…);
        if (file) {

    // continue code where any stack exit will lead to the defer being executed


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