Archive build results in Command failed due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11

Number:rdar://23257608 Date Originated:10/26/15
Status:Open Resolved:10/26/15
Product:Xcode Product Version:7.01 or 7.1
Classification:Crash/Hang/Data Loss Reproducible:Always
I have a project that builds normally in a debug build. When I attempt to build the project for release (Product -> Archive), the build fails with a segmentation fault (see output from compiler in attached .txt file).

Steps to reproduce:
Build the project for release (Product -> Archive)

Expected results:
The build should succeed and allow me to upload the .ipa

Actual results:
Seg fault.

Building with Xcode for "iOS Device"

Xcode Version/Build & OS X Version/Build
I've tried this both with Xcode 7.0.1 and 7.1 (production releases) and get the same result.

Additional Notes
The specific method where the compiler is failing is:

    public func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
        return self.sectionContents.count

And the definition of sectionContents is:

    private var sectionContents: [[SMIAPProduct]]? {
        return self.productsInfo!.sectionContents(forClass: SMIAPStore.self)



I figured this out. It appears to be due to the compiler not dealing correctly with having a different method signature for an override in terms of an optional result. I had the following base class method definition:

public func sectionContents(forClass forClass:AnyClass) -> [[SMIAPProduct]]? {
    Assert.badMojo(alwaysPrintThisString: "Implement this in your subclass!")
    return nil

with the following subclass definition:

override public func sectionContents(forClass sectionContentsForClass:AnyClass) -> [[SMIAPProduct]] {
    if SMIAPStore.self == sectionContentsForClass {
        return [_storeCharacters] + [_storeBackgrounds]
    } else {
        return [_settingsCharacters] + [_settingsBackgrounds]

Note the lack of an optional in the returned value for the subclass definition.

When I change the subclass definition (and the usages of this subclass method to account for the now optional result), to:

override public func sectionContents(forClass sectionContentsForClass:AnyClass) -> [[SMIAPProduct]]? {
    if SMIAPStore.self == sectionContentsForClass {
        let storeSectionContents:[[SMIAPProduct]] = [_storeCharacters] + [_storeBackgrounds]
        return storeSectionContents
    } else {
        let settingsSectionContents:[[SMIAPProduct]] = [_settingsCharacters] + [_settingsBackgrounds]
        return settingsSectionContents

I no longer have the crash.

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