hdiutil does not support creating hybrid APFS disk images

Number:rdar://32617299 Date Originated:7-Jun-2017 12:18 PM
Status:Closed Resolved:14-Jun-2017 1:23 PM
Product:macOS + SDK Product Version:10.13 beta 17A264c
Classification:Suggestion Reproducible:Always
When making a cross-platform hybrid disk image, `hdiutil` only supports HFS+, ISO9660, ISO9660+Joliet, and UDF filesystems. Since macOS High Sierra can now be installed with APFS, it makes sense to include APFS as an argument to the `hdiutil` command.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open Terminal
2. `cd` into your Documents or local workspace
3. Ensure you have a folder named "project" which contains the following non-zero files:

     * mac.txt
     * win.txt

4. Run the following command:

`hdiutil makehybrid -o image.iso project -iso -apfs -hide-iso project/mac.txt -hide-apfs project/win.txt`

Expected Results:
A hybrid disk image file named "image.iso" is created with the ISO9660 and APFS filesystems, and presents console output similar to the following:

Creating hybrid image...

Observed Results:
`hdiutil` returns an unknown option. Replacing `apfs` with `hfs` obviously succeeds, but does not generate the desired APFS+ISO9660 hybrid disk image.

10.13 beta 17A264c

Attached is the generated HFS+ISO9660 hybrid image, and the two extracted plaintext documents, mac.txt and win.txt, which are visible only on macOS and Windows, respectively.

Any/All Macs running High Sierra


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