MKMapView zoom level changes when device rotates

Number:rdar://33785296 Date Originated:
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS+SDK (MapKit) Product Version:11 beta 5
Classification:Bug Reproducible:Yes
This repros on iOS 11 beta 4 and 5, I haven't tested it on the previous betas

When rotating the device with an MKMapView onscreen, the zoom level changes.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a single view project
2. Add an MKMapView to the main view controller
3. Run the project on an iOS 11 device or simulator
4. Rotate the screen

Expected Results:
The mapview rotates, but the zoom level stays the same

Observed Results:
The mapview rotates, and the zoom level changes after the rotation animation completes

iOS 11 Beta 4, iOS 11 Beta 5

(posted by me) This appears to be happening because of the map frame resizing, I've experienced the zoom level changing in other cases where the map frame size is changed.


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