CLPlacemark Initializer With CNPostalAddress Doesn't Persist SubLocality

Number:rdar://44949512 Date Originated:October 2 2018
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS + SDK | Intents Framework; Intents Framework Product Version:iOS 12
Classification:Bug Reproducible:Yes
Intents Framework

The Intents framework adds a convenience initializer to `CLPlacemark`—`.init(location: name: postalAddress)`. When the postal address has a subLocality the initialized placemark will not save that subLocality. See the attached playground for example.

Steps to Reproduce:
- Create a CNPostalAddress with a subLocality. 
- Create a CLPlacemark with the `.init(location: name: postalAddress)` initializer.
- Read `CLPlacemark.sublocality` or `CLPlacemark.postalAddress?.sublocality`.

Expected Results:
CLPlacemark's subLocality equals CNPostalAddress' subLocality.

Actual Results:
CLPlacemark's subLocality is an empty string.

XCode 10.0; iOS 12.0 or macOS 10.14 (18A391)

Fails with any configuration.


import Cocoa
import CoreLocation
import Contacts
import Intents

var str = "Hello, playground"

let expectedSubLocality = "EXPECTED_SUB_LOCALITY"

let postalAddress = CNMutablePostalAddress()
postalAddress.street = "1 Infinite Loop" = "Cupertino"
postalAddress.state = "CA"
postalAddress.postalCode = "95014"
postalAddress.subLocality = expectedSubLocality

assert(postalAddress.subLocality == expectedSubLocality)

let location = CLLocation(latitude: -52, longitude: -42)

let placemark = CLPlacemark(location: location,
                            name: "TEST",
                            postalAddress: postalAddress)

assert(placemark.subLocality == expectedSubLocality ||
    placemark.postalAddress?.subLocality == expectedSubLocality)


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