Open MKMapItem directly into turn-by-turn directions.

Number:rdar://46314580 Date Originated:11/28/2018
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:MapKit Product Version:
Classification:Suggestion Reproducible:
It would be very helpful to have the option to open a MKMapItem directly in and automatically start turn-by-turn directions. 

The user story might look something like this:
"As a user I would like to preview the directions inside of the application I am in so that I don't have to leave the application to see the proposed route."

Providing a launch option key (for func openInMaps(launchOptions: [String : Any]? = nil) -> Bool) that can be set to start turn-by-turn automatically would allow for the third-party app to show the route preview inside of the app and only send the user to if they want to start navigation.


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