ARM linker bug when global aliased symbols are called from .mod_init_func code

Number:rdar://7120987 Date Originated:05-Aug-2009 11:08 PM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iPhone SDK Product Version:3.0
Classification:Serious Bug Reproducible:Always
05-Aug-2009 11:08 PM Jonas Maebe:
* Summary

If all of the following conditions are true at the same time, the ARM linker assigns a wrong address to the  "_calledfrominit" symbol:
a) there is a .mod_init_term section pointing to a function, e.g. _initfunc
b) this _initfunc calls another function, e.g. _calledfrominit
c) the call from _initfun to _calledfrominit occurs via a symbol stub
d) there is (at least?) one other global symbol with the same address as _calledfrominit

I have however attached a simple, artificial test case that demonstrates this problem.

I don't know how to make GCC generate such code (maybe using C++ with static initialisers in combination with some gcc extension to define symbol aliases), but the Free Pascal Compiler does generate such code ( If you want to see this bug in a real world example, you can download/install the Free Pascal Compiler for iPhone SDK from (note that it always installs globally under /usr/local), create a new Xcode project using the "iPhone (FPC)" -> "OpenGL ES App" template, and build/run it. It will crash in the _start function.

* Steps to reproduce (replace "/iphone3.0" in the commands below with whichever iPhoneSDK version you want to test)
1) tar xjf iphonelinkerbug.tbz
2) cd iphonelinkerbug
3) /iphone3.0/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.0 -arch armv6 -isysroot /iphone3.0/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS2.2.1.sdk main.s -o main
4) otool -tV main|less

* Expected result

Something like this:

(__TEXT,__text) section
00002000        e92d4080        stmdb   sp!, {r7, lr}
00002004        e28d7000        add     r7, sp, #0      ; 0x0
00002008        e59f300c        ldr     r3, [pc, #12]   ; 0x201c
0000200c        e08f3003        add     r3, pc, r3
00002010        e1a00003        mov     r0, r3
00002014        eb00002d        bl      0x20d0  ; symbol stub for: _printf
00002018        e8bd8080        ldmia   sp!, {r7, pc}
0000201c        000000d4        ldreqd  r0, [r0], -r4
00002020        e92d4080        stmdb   sp!, {r7, lr}
00002024        e28d7000        add     r7, sp, #0      ; 0x0
00002028        e59f3010        ldr     r3, [pc, #16]   ; 0x2040
0000202c        e08f3003        add     r3, pc, r3
00002030        e1a00003        mov     r0, r3
00002034        eb000028        bl      0x20dc  ; symbol stub for: _puts
00002038        ebfffff0        bl      _calledfrominitfuncalias
0000203c        e8bd8080        ldmia   sp!, {r7, pc}
00002040        000000d0        ldreqd  r0, [r0], -r0
00002044        e59d0000        ldr     r0, [sp]

* Actual result

(__TEXT,__text) section
00002000        e92d4080        stmdb   sp!, {r7, lr}
00002004        e28d7000        add     r7, sp, #0      ; 0x0
00002008        e59f3010        ldr     r3, [pc, #16]   ; 0x2020
0000200c        e08f3003        add     r3, pc, r3
00002010        e1a00003        mov     r0, r3
00002014        eb000030        bl      0x20dc  ; symbol stub for: _puts
00002018        ebfffff8        bl      _calledfrominitfunc
0000201c        e8bd8080        ldmia   sp!, {r7, pc}
00002020        000000f0        streqd  r0, [r0], -r0
00002024        e59d0000        ldr     r0, [sp]
0000209c        e92d4080        stmdb   sp!, {r7, lr}
000020a0        e28d7000        add     r7, sp, #0      ; 0x0
000020a4        e59f300c        ldr     r3, [pc, #12]   ; 0x20b8
000020a8        e08f3003        add     r3, pc, r3
000020ac        e1a00003        mov     r0, r3
000020b0        eb000006        bl      0x20d0  ; symbol stub for: _printf
000020b4        e8bd8080        ldmia   sp!, {r7, pc}
000020b8        00000038        andeq   r0, r0, r8, lsr r0

otool displays _calledfrominitfunc  as the symbol name for address 00002000, but nm shows that _initfunc also is at that address. So effectively, _calledfrominitfunc has now become an alias for _initfunc rather than for _calledfrominitfuncalias

* Regression

The above works fine with the tools from the iPhone SDK 2.2.1/9m2621a (final).

It is still broken with the tools from the iPhone SDK 3.1 beta 3

(all under Leopartd/10.5.7)

* Notes

The main.c file included in the archive is the C file from which I started. I compiled it with -S and made a few changes to the generated assembler code (marked by "# added").

If you replace the "bl      L_calledfrominitfunc$stub" with "bl      _calledfrominitfunc" in the assembler code  so that the stub is no longer used, then
a) the code for _calledfrominitfunc is properly referenced from _initfunc, but
b) the symbol alias _calledfrominitfuncalias now gets the same address as the "_main" symbol

This, too, is wrong (but causes no immediate problems in our case).

'iphonelinkerbug.tbz' was successfully uploaded


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