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Number Status Originator Product Title
rdar://FB9479036 Open parthakr MacOS TextKit2 Kannada text selection and cursor movement error
rdar://FB9453009 Closed SwiftUI SwiftUI's toolbar APIs on macOS have several issues with memory leaks
rdar://FB9448381 Open ssavkov iOS/iPadOS Copy shortcut don't work second time after paste to other app while using split mode and magic keyboard
rdar://FB9447729 Open serieuxchat Xcode Xcode 13 ignores GIT proxy settings when resolving SwiftPM packages (and probably for other SCM operations as well).
rdar://FB9423370 Open Safari Safari added many identity references into Keychain for same domain and certificate
rdar://FB9423281 Open Safari Safari overwrites passwords for subdomains
rdar://FB9423132 Open Safari Safari does not support HTTP 421 response
rdar://FB9381733 Open ajrietveld Safari Keyboard short cuts don’t work as expected while typing in Safari text fields
rdar://FB9370930 Open rileytestut Game Controller Framework GCVirtualController missing buttons in portrait orientation
rdar://FB9370882 Open rileytestut Game Controller Framework Deallocating GCVirtualController breaks interface autorotation (iOS 15 beta 3)
rdar://FB9361978 Open iluvmacs102 Photos Unable to Import Photos from Camera due to insufficient storage when plenty of storage is available
rdar://FB9360419 Open martin.acg Xcode XCFramework fails to Archive when Apple Network framework is imported and XCFramework target is below iOS 12
rdar://FB9359784 Open edwellbrook Files app Files app fails to open local files from shareddocuments url scheme
rdar://FB9341328 Open gjasny macOS APFS synthetic symbolic link traversing broken
rdar://FB9332199 Closed konstantin Xcode Linking Swift Package from the main application emits error about linking to APIs not safe for use in application extensions
rdar://FB9323989 Open federico.runco macOS BLE devices based on Nordic SoftDevice stack not working properly with Big Sur
rdar://FB9316904 Open gnachman macOS Setting NSWindow.colorSpace to sRGB doesn't work consistently and causes drawing artifacts
rdar://FB9293644 Open developer.computers MacOS Passing File Handle to XPC Does Not Allow Accessing The File
rdar://FB9293573 Open developer.computers MacOS Unable to run swift scripts
rdar://FB9292131 Open mark macOS/‌Something else not on this list In a base OS installation, some keyboard shortcuts are enabled with no corresponding keystroke assigned
rdar://FB9292033 Open mark macOS/Notification Center [Chrome] Notification Center can attribute notifications to incorrect application when applications are nested
rdar://FB9279091 Open cellsworth AVFoundation AVErrorMediaServicesWereReset error when performing concurrent encodes with HDR source
rdar://FB9277545 damir.stuhec iOS / Vision Critical VNRecognizeTextRequest regression bug in iOS 15
rdar://FB9233193 Open Apple Music Apple Music resumes app state on restart (like almost all other apps!)
rdar://FB9231836 Dupe josh macOS Subclass of NSSecureTextCell is sent unrecognized selector on beta 2
rdar://FB9230529 In progress noxxxxo EvenKit EKAlarm.init(absoluteDate date: Date) doesn't work with Exchange
rdar://FB9224153 Open Finder “Connect to Server” accepts FTPS URLs but actually connects via plain FTP w/o telling the user!
rdar://FB9224153 Open Finder “Connect to Server” accepts FTPS URLs but actually connects via plain FTP w/o telling the user!
rdar://FB9224153 Open Finder “Connect to Server” accepts FTPS URLs but actually connects via plain FTP w/o telling the user!
rdar://FB9224153 Open quangthong1011 Finder THONG NGO
rdar://FB9224153 Open Finder Finder Connect to Server accepts FTPS URLs but actually connects via plain FTP without telling the user!
rdar://FB9222741 Opened yannick.heinrich Xcode
rdar://FB9217524 Open andy StoreKit Product.products(for:) always returns empty results
rdar://FB9212707 Closed gomfucius Xcode Xcode Cloud workflow screen not showing my other app target
rdar://FB9210194 Open kishyr SwiftUI Framework SwiftUI AsyncImage does not resume/recover when coming back on screen in a List
rdar://FB9209195 Open chris Safari Two sets of window controls appear on top of each other when 'Automatically hide and show the menu bar in full screen’ is unchecked
rdar://FB9209195 Open chris Safari Two sets of window controls appear on top of each other when 'Automatically hide and show the menu bar in full screen’ is unchecked
rdar://FB9206676 Open garvankeeley Wrong VoiceOver label deleting NSTextAttachment
rdar://FB9206392 Open indiekiduk Documentation Request to be able to save a documentation web page as html in Safari
rdar://FB9206296 Open indiekiduk Core Data Add reconfigureItems support for FetchedResultsController

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