WKWebView navigation delegate sometimes receives a nil WKNavigation, despite being declared as implicitly unwrapped (Swift 2.0)

Number:rdar://22820815 Date Originated:2015-09-23
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS Product Version:8.4.1
Classification: Reproducible:Sometimes
We noticed crashes in Firefox for iOS on iOS 8.4.1 (not 9, apparently).

We specify allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures = true for our WKWebViews.

When the user swipes forward or back when a page is fully loaded, webView: didFinishNavigation: is called with a nil WKNavigation.

Our workaround is to treat the implicitly unwrapped optional as a real optional, checking for nil.

Steps to Reproduce:
Open Firefox on an 8.4.1 device.
Load a page and wait for it to completely load.
Click a link and wait for it to completely load.
Swipe left to navigate back.

Current Firefox will crash.
Firefox after Bug 1207179: prints a log message about nil navigation.

Expected Results:
No crash: either guarantee that the WKNavigation is never nil, or change the signature of the delegate.

Actual Results:
Crash: WKNavigation is nil.


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