Search Results

Query: swift

Number Status Originator Product Title
rdar://FB9997893 Open xiaogdgenuine SwiftUI Bug in NavigationStack's back button
rdar://FB9991830 Open jruston90 Xcode SwiftUI Preview Crashing when previewing from a Swift Package that embeds a dynamic Package
rdar://FB9968385 Open chris SwiftUI Framework NavigationView ignores preference keys from its root view
rdar://FB9963331 Open madushan.rcg iOS Runtime crash for build generated from Xcode 13.1 toolchain
rdar://FB9953923 Closed gwynne Xcode Xcode beachballs constantly trying to edit Swift source file containing enum with very large number of cases
rdar://FB9950508 Open eidingermarco Foundation Compact number formats for NumberFormatter
rdar://FB9939086 Open flavio SwiftUI [SwiftUI | iOS] Nested Button Styles Are Incorrectly Applied
rdar://FB9938231 Open defagos AVKit tvOS 15.2 regression: Crashes when changing the player instance associated with an AVPlayerViewController
rdar://FB9917445 Open alex Xcode Xcode previews no longer update after changes to files outside of PreviewProvider
rdar://FB9862872 Closed cal.stephens Core Animation API Sign component of `fromValue` / `toValue` ignored when animating `transform.scale.x` and `transform.scale.y` simultaneously
rdar://FB9860241 Open slammer0 Something else not on this list Combine.Publisher.flatMap memory leak when publisher fails
rdar://FB9854851 Closed tiarnanmcgrath Objective-C Runtime Repeated use of `is` or `as` operators result causes sporadic crashes
rdar://FB9836833 Open stef Core MIDI MIDIThruConnectionCreate cannot create non-persistent thru connections in Swift
rdar://FB9823642 a.naumov91 Swift Standard Library Closure obtained from reflection cannot properly address input parameters
rdar://FB9815320 Open andre.alves Xcode Syntax highlighting regression for Swift static libraries in Xcode 13+
rdar://FB9814502 Open rito.0305 StoreKit Testing in Xcode SKTestSession.clearTransactions() does not seem to clear finishing transactions
rdar://FB9812596 Open kyle.hickinson SwiftUI Framework SwiftUI crash when running optimized (-O/-Osize) builds on iOS 14 in conjunction with availability checks
rdar://FB9794791 Open ninjalog iOS & iPadOS NSDataDetector Fails With Specific Keywords in String Being Searched
rdar://FB9782477 Open mdibrahimhassan Xcode Xcode 13 SwiftUI Preview TimeoutError: Timed out waiting for a thunk to build after 30.0 seconds.
rdar://FB9776143 Open NathanHosselton Xcode Autocomplete suggests Code Snippets within documentation of some Swift protocol declarations.
rdar://FB9771893 Open kocsis.kris SwiftUI Unexpected screen popping in NavigationView when passing a binded object to a bindig
rdar://FB9760979 alwold x86 binary crashes on M1 Pro
rdar://FB9741207 Open ncreated iOS isLowPowerModeEnabled causes a deadlock on iOS 15
rdar://FB9737989 Open kohenkatz Xcode Command Line Tools `clean` also re-resolves Swift Package Manager dependencies
rdar://FB9737641 open ryan-paterson XCUITest XCUITest - iOS 15 typeText slow
rdar://FB9726200 Open AlexanderMomchilov Xcode False error. "module name "foo" is not a valid identifier"
rdar://FB9725680 frank.courville Xcode Unable to add files to multiple different targets using an Xcode .fileTemplate
rdar://FB9718512 Open revoltes666 Other The Sign in with Apple authorizationCode is null when using the password request too
rdar://FB9716091 Open hotngui iOS When using UITabBarItemAppearance .inline the tab item text gets truncated
rdar://FB9648456 Open jonas.bromo SwiftUI Rendering a UIImage of a UIHostingController results in a offset/clipped image
rdar://FB9639952 Closed defagos Xcode Xcode 13 regression: Archiving of projects referencing binary packages fails with increasing number of packages
rdar://FB9634656 Open andy StoreKit StoreKit 2 linking fails in iOS 14.5 simulators
rdar://FB9634311 tk Xcode SwiftUI previews for WatchKit Extension always fail on "Command CompileSwiftSources failed with a nonzero exit code" even when the project builds OK
rdar://FB9631965 steviebm Foundation NSMetadataQuery with NSMetadataQueryAccessibleUbiquitousExternalDocumentsScope does not find files and folders imported into app container
rdar://FB9615402 Open jeremy.gale SwiftUI Framework Multiple NavigationLinks leading to a UIViewControllerRepresentable only works first time
rdar://FB9595388 Open patskovn Swift Compiler Async overloading in protocol implementation fails
rdar://FB9588899 Open TJMaynes SwiftUI SwiftUI - Unable to use more than two NavigationLinks in the same SwiftUI View
rdar://FB9567186 Open daniel Xcode Generated Objective-C interfaces for types in intent definition files cause build warnings
rdar://FB9537094 Open jediknil Foundation NSCoding warning for unstable Swift class names shouldn't fire when using classForKeyedUnarchiver
rdar://FB9447729 Open serieuxchat Xcode Xcode 13 ignores GIT proxy settings when resolving SwiftPM packages (and probably for other SCM operations as well).
rdar://FB9360419 Open martin.acg Xcode XCFramework fails to Archive when Apple Network framework is imported and XCFramework target is below iOS 12
rdar://FB9332199 Closed konstantin Xcode Linking Swift Package from the main application emits error about linking to APIs not safe for use in application extensions
rdar://FB9293573 Open developer.computers MacOS Unable to run swift scripts
rdar://FB9217524 Open andy StoreKit Product.products(for:) always returns empty results
rdar://FB9197900 Closed daniel Xcode Generated code for types in intent definition files causes build warnings
rdar://FB9197862 Open jverkoey iOS UIListContentConfiguration.subtitleCell layout does not match UIListContentConfiguration.cell configured with secondaryText
rdar://FB9178663 Open florian.fittschen Swift Compiler Swift Compiler throws errors for Apple frameworks used by SPM packages during archive builds
rdar://FB9143840 Open victor.pimentel Developer Tools Backdeploy Swift Concurrency to older iOS/iPadOS/MacOS/WatchOS/TVOS
rdar://FB9139368 Open liam.nichols.LN Xcode Please consider caching developer tool dependencies in Xcode Cloud workflows
rdar://FB9094758 Open mshibanami macOS NSPersistentCloudKitContainer doesn't sync records on iCloud until switching the app to background/foreground
rdar://FB9083377 Open parthv21 Swift Playgrounds Swift: Enums with stored properties not thread safe even when mutated using a serial queue
rdar://FB9045062 OPEN ekao Reading MXCPUMetric.cumulativeCPUInstructions is crashing in iOS 14.4.1 (Swift)
rdar://FB9036971 Open colin.rofls Core Text CTFramesetter fails to correctly lay out text containing tabs
rdar://FB9026259 Open crayment16 Swift Compiler SPM Package resolution doesn't handle different URLs to the same dependency
rdar://FB8969539 Open jeremy.gale Xcode Xcode is unable to Archive a project with Preview Content
rdar://FB8959397 Open AlexanderMomchilov AppKit NSTableViewDiffableDataSource causes a strong retain cycle
rdar://FB8955913 Open aaronmaxlevy macOS Unable to catch errors thrown from NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest in Swift when HTTP response body is not nil
rdar://FB8948390 Open david.nick.main tvOS tvOS 14.3 SwiftUI LazyVStack fast scroll EXC_BAD_ACCESS in swift_release
rdar://FB8940303 Open kohlsen Xcode Cannot view PDF file in WKWebView on Mac mini M1
rdar://FB8935555 Closed defagos tvOS SwiftUI internal rendering engine crash (attempt to read deallocated ViewGraph reference)
rdar://FB8932965 Open defagos Xcode Symbolication issue with SPM 5.3 packages containing resources (BCSymbolMaps contains _hidden entries)
rdar://FB8918117 open ozd iOS SDK - Foundation Calling URLCredentialStorage.shared.allCredentials prints a debugger message
rdar://FB8894765 Open me iPadOS, UIKit UIDocumentBrowserViewController memory leak
rdar://FB8817280 Open indiekiduk SwiftUI Text string interpolation formatter bug with MeasurementFormatter when changing a locale setting
rdar://FB8811908 Open steviebm Spotlight Search CoreSpotlight thumbnails not shown on devices running iOS 14.0 (Regression from iOS 13.6)
rdar://FB8781532 Open enzo Xcode I can’t archive App that uses a swift package with an xcframework
rdar://FB8781532 Open enzo Xcode I can’t archive App that uses a swift package with an xcframework
rdar://FB8738204 Open d SwiftUI Environment's foregroundColor and accentColor properties should be public
rdar://FB8734022 Open jediknil Xcode Opening a Swift script (per the run line) should provide code completion and everything
rdar://FB8653658 Open jeremy.gale SwiftUI Framework iOS 14: The default accessibility labels for TabView items are using the image systemName instead of the Text.
rdar://FB8545866 Open iltercengiz1 SwiftUI App crashes when CoreData item is deleted from SwiftUI List
rdar://FB8518539 Open steipete iOS/macOS OSLogStore: How does Predicate work?
rdar://FB8518476 Open steipete iOS OSLogStore declares a swift shim for entriesEnumeratorWithOptions but it is missing on iOS 14
rdar://FB8458939 Open indiekiduk Xcode SwiftUI CoreData template ContentView's EditButton not working properly
rdar://FB8458939 Open indiekiduk SwiftUI SwiftUI CoreData template ContentView's EditButton not working properly
rdar://FB8297564 Closed raymccrae iOS children property on Mirror in Swift incorrect in iOS 14 beta 4
rdar://FB8181879 Resolved leogdion Xcode unable to archvie macOS Application with Swift Package dependency with x86-only binary dependency
rdar://FB8115994 Open e Swift Compiler Swift and Objective-C targets still include project-wide header maps when HEADERMAP_INCLUDES_PROJECT_HEADERS=NO
rdar://FB8115536 Open serieuxchat Xcode LLDB fails to 'po' any object when using Xcode 12 beta if the minimum deployment target is less than iOS 13
rdar://FB8107202 Closed gwynne Xcode Unable to reorder schemes in a workspace using scheme management sheet
rdar://FB8089986 Open enzo Xcode Generated xcodeproj for swift package doesn't compile because of Bundle.module
rdar://FB8014178 Open futuretap Developer Tools Cannot create Swift scratch context (couldn't load the Swift stdlib)
rdar://FB8001132 Open leogdion Xcode Xcode Previews Don't Work wth Swift Packages with Binary Dependencies
rdar://FB79397427 Open RandomDSdevel Developer Tools Consider Enabling Non-Swift Programming Languages to Add Content to the Xcode Library
rdar://FB7844928 Open indiekiduk iOS iOS 14b1: The new Swift notification constants e.g. NSManagedObjectContext.didChangeObjectsNotification have wrong strings
rdar://FB7778358 Open you SwiftUI Framework Unable to unit test SwiftUI code.
rdar://FB7775274 Open noel.weichbrodt XCode XCode Version 11.5 Build Command Segmentation fault: 11 when a class fails to implement the correct protocol function signature
rdar://FB7756438 Open indiekiduk Sample code Fruta sample crashes when compact on iPad Pro 12.9" and selecting a row
rdar://FB7730495 Open indiekiduk Xcode MasterDetail Swift CoreData Template Suggestion
rdar://FB7722564 Open indiekiduk Xcode Xcode autocomplete Swift: awakeFromNib will it be func or class func?
rdar://FB7719603 Open Swift Playground Swift Playground compiler crashes when arbitrary function is annotated with @inlinable
rdar://FB7716325 Open arguiot Xcode Xcode 11.5 Unable to open dependencies file
rdar://FB7716084 Closed matej.jirasek iOS/UIKit UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout stuck in an infinite cycle, filling the memory and crashing in the end
rdar://FB7716030 Open indiekiduk Code Sample Suggestion for sample: Using Collection View Compositional Layouts and Diffable Data Sources
rdar://FB7708911 Open david Xcode Unable to view SwiftUI Previews when developing a Package
rdar://FB7697313 Open m.hanauska Xcode Xcode project navigator should allow horizontal scrolling
rdar://FB7691693 Open danielctull Xcode Xcode doesn't use selected toolchain to resolve swift packages
rdar://FB7688576 Closed matej.jirasek Swift Compiler Published property wrapper with method or property with the same crashes the compiler
rdar://FB7684093 Open atlex2 Core Data Utilizing undo manager in parent managed object context to batch changes in child leads to validation errors with empty/nilled objects.
rdar://FB7677561 open pzabelin iOS SDK AVAudioRecorder init crash

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