What will happen when "Fix Issue" is clicked

Number:rdar://20696095 Date Originated:24-Apr-2015 06:15 PM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Developer Tools Product Version:6.3
Classification:UI/Usability Reproducible:Always
Xcode attempts to help deal with provisioning profiles. This seems like a bandaid on a systemic problem as opposed to a fix.

These actions are very destructive, non-reversible, and their outcome is far from apparent.

Revoke and Request:
-What will be revoked? ***This is far and away the most important*** 
-Which builds in testflight will be disabled due to revoking the above
-What build settings will change?

Fix Issue:
-Whose accounts will this affect?
-What will be added?
-What will be removed?
-What build settings will be changed, breaking the build for team-members?

Specifically on Revoke: I manually revoked a Distribution Certificate a few days back and it blocked users from installing a version of our application which had already been uploaded to Testflight. Arguably I should’ve expected this, but it was not immediately clear that would happen or what the cause was. Will using Revoke and Request result in the same behavior? It is very unprofessional of us to be requesting beta user’s to deal with this and diminishes their ability to actually test and find issues.

If Revoke and Request will not break existing testflight builds, will it break team member’s ability to build onto their phones?


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