Fake session titles are inaccurate

Number:rdar://21131078 Date Originated:27-May-2015
Status:Closed Resolved:
Product:Other Product Version:
Classification:UI/Usability Reproducible:Always
The WWDC ’15 schedule currently redacts two sessions with the fake title “Be there or be ASCII code 254”. Did someone choose that number at random?


ASCII only goes up to 126 and lacks “²”, the mathematical character for squaring. But ASCII is not a common encoding on the Mac anyways. Maybe another encoding was intended, but the number is still inaccurate:

• MacRoman also lacks “²” and assigns “˛” to 254.
• Unicode does have “²”, but at codepoint U+00B2 (178). Codepoint U+00FE (254) is “þ”.

Perhaps the intent was that 254 would render as “tofu” (▯). But tofu only occurs when a font lacks a glyph for the given character, not when there are encoding issues. Native Cocoa controls, being Unicode-aware, would render 254 as “þ”. You couldn’t get either “²” or tofu by converting “²” to ASCII:

var d = NSString(string: "²").dataUsingEncoding(NSASCIIStringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: false)
// => nil
d = NSString(string: "²").dataUsingEncoding(NSASCIIStringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: true)
// => <32>
NSString(data: d!, encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding)
// => 2

Besides, ASCII is *so* 1980.

Steps to Reproduce:

Expected Results:
The two sessions in question should be retitled any of the following:

• “Be there or be Unicode codepoint U+00B2”
• “Be there or be Unicode codepoint 178”
• “Be there or be Unicode codepoint U+25A0”
• “Be there or be Unicode codepoint U+2B1C U+FE0F” (because emoji are so important nowadays)

Alternatively, the real session titles could be revealed and this bug could be resolved as Feature Removed.

Actual Results:






“Thanks for your feedback, we have reviewed it and we will track it for possible future enhancements.”

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