Hide App Bundles whose total price is more than the price of buying the apps individually

Number:rdar://21671578 Date Originated:03-Jul-2015 02:56 PM
Status:Closed Resolved:
Product:App Store Product Version:8.4 (12H143)
Classification:Enhancement Reproducible:Always
When browsing the app store and viewing an App Bundle for which I have previously purchased one of the apps for, the cost of completing the bundle can be more than the cost of buying the remainder of the apps individually.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open the App Store app.
2. Browse to a bundle which contains an app you have previously purchased.
3. Notice that the cost of completing the bundle is more than the cost of the other app which you have not purchased yet.

Expected Results:
3. The cost of completing the bundle should either be equal to the cost of buying the remaining app, or the bundle should not appear at all.

Actual Results:
3. The bundle appears and it costs more to complete it than it costs to buy the remaining app.


Example: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app-bundle/scan-and-plan/id967047740?mt=8

By dloewenherz at July 3, 2015, 7:58 p.m. (reply...)

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