UIPrintInteractionController does not indicate its method of dismissal

Number:rdar://22094417 Date Originated:07/31/15
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS Product Version:8.x
Classification: Reproducible:YES
iPad: Using UIPrintInteractionController's delegate methods to determine when the lifecycle of the controller is ending, an app using the print controller is unable to determine if the popover was dismissed by invoking the "Print" button OR if the popover is dismissed because the user tapped elsewhere in the parent view.

- (void)printInteractionControllerWillDismissPrinterOptions:(UIPrintInteractionController *)printInteractionController;
- (void)printInteractionControllerDidDismissPrinterOptions:(UIPrintInteractionController *)printInteractionController;

both return the printInteractionController, but there are no properties of that object available to say how the dismissal took place.

Steps to Reproduce:
Use UIPrintInteractionController and handle the delegate methods

- (void)printInteractionControllerWillDismissPrinterOptions:(UIPrintInteractionController *)printInteractionController;
- (void)printInteractionControllerDidDismissPrinterOptions:(UIPrintInteractionController *)printInteractionController;

In either case, the properties of printInteractionController are equivalent no matter how the PIC was dismissed (print button OR tap outside popover).

Expected Results:

- delegate methods return another parameter "willPrint = YES/NO"

- additional delegate methods to describe the printing lifecycle, like 


Actual Results:
A user of the PrintInteractionController doesn't know how the controller was dismissed.

iOS 7.x, iOS 8.x


iPad (any) iPad Simulator (any)



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