UIKeyCommand incorrectly responds to respondsToSelector:

Number:rdar://26532500 Date Originated:28-May-2016 05:50 PM
Status:Closed/Behaves Correctly Resolved:
Product:iOS SDK Product Version:9.3.2
Classification:Other Bug Reproducible:Always
Apps with a deployment target of iOS 7 or iOS 8 using UIKeyCommand need to check if UIKeyCommand supports +keyCommandWithInput:modifierFlags:action:discoverabilityTitle:

Checking with +instancesRespondToSelector: or -respondsToSelector: returns NO on iOS 9.3.2 even though iOS 9 supports this method. In a typical use case the app would fallback to the old iOS 7+ method +keyCommandWithInput:modifierFlags:action: thereby losing the discoverabilityTitle.

Steps to Reproduce:

# on iOS 9.3.2:

(lldb) p (BOOL) [UIKeyCommand instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(keyCommandWithInput:modifierFlags:action:discoverabilityTitle:)]
(lldb) p (BOOL) [[[UIKeyCommand alloc] init] respondsToSelector:@selector(keyCommandWithInput:modifierFlags:action:discoverabilityTitle:)]

Expected Results:
(lldb) p (BOOL) [UIKeyCommand instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(keyCommandWithInput:modifierFlags:action:discoverabilityTitle:)]
(BOOL) $6 = YES
(lldb) p (BOOL) [[[UIKeyCommand alloc] init] respondsToSelector:@selector(keyCommandWithInput:modifierFlags:action:discoverabilityTitle:)]
(BOOL) $7 = YES

Actual Results:
(lldb) p (BOOL) [UIKeyCommand instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(keyCommandWithInput:modifierFlags:action:discoverabilityTitle:)]
(BOOL) $6 = NO
(lldb) p (BOOL) [[[UIKeyCommand alloc] init] respondsToSelector:@selector(keyCommandWithInput:modifierFlags:action:discoverabilityTitle:)]
(BOOL) $7 = NO

This is a regression from iOS 9.3.1 to 9.3.2.

Even if iOS 9.3.2 claims it doesn't respond to the +keyCommandWithInput:modifierFlags:action:discoverabilityTitle: selector, it actually does:

(lldb) po [UIKeyCommand keyCommandWithInput:@"a" modifierFlags:UIKeyModifierCommand action:@selector(performKeyCommand:) discoverabilityTitle:@"Select All"]
<UIKeyCommand: 0x15f154f0>


It totally escaped me…

that testing for a class method doesn't work like this.

keyCommandWithInput:modifierFlags:action:discoverabilityTitle: is a class method of UIKeyCommand, testing for [UIKeyCommand respondsToSelector:@selector(keyCommandWithInput:modifierFlags:action:discoverabilityTitle:)] returns YES.

The fact that my wrong code worked in 9.3.1 lead me to false conclusions.

By futuretap at June 3, 2016, 9:13 p.m. (reply...)

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