iCloud Drive changes of restored files are not announced properly

Number:rdar://29880025 Date Originated:5 Jan 2017
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iCloud Product Version:
Classification: Reproducible:
Let's say we have iOS application with iCloud Drive enabled and NSMetadataQuery started.

Steps to Reproduce:
Once file is deleted on macOS, it's moved to the ".Trash" directory and application receive NSMetadataQueryDidUpdateNotification about the change, like this one:

NSMetadataQueryDidUpdateNotification received {
    kMDQueryUpdateAddedItems =     (
    kMDQueryUpdateChangedItems =     (
        "<NSMetadataItem: 0x60000003b500> URL: file:///Users/marcinkrzyzanowski/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/EDE8CE6B-E25B-4BEE-87E3-FA41DB025481/data/Library/Mobile%20Documents/iCloud~com~pspdfkit~viewer/Documents/.Trash/bilety_2%20copy.pdf"
    kMDQueryUpdateRemovedItems =     (

later, when file is restore from the trash (possible from the macOS only), iOS application receive notification about removed files only:

NSMetadataQueryDidUpdateNotification received {
    kMDQueryUpdateAddedItems =     (
    kMDQueryUpdateChangedItems =     (
    kMDQueryUpdateRemovedItems =     (
        "<NSMetadataItem: 0x60000003b500> URL: file:///Users/marcinkrzyzanowski/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/EDE8CE6B-E25B-4BEE-87E3-FA41DB025481/data/Library/Mobile%20Documents/iCloud~com~pspdfkit~viewer/Documents/.Trash/bilety_2%20copy.pdf"

that is only partially correct. The file is removed from the ".Trash", true, but is re-added to the original directory.

Expected Results:
I expect here either change notification the same as when moving to the ".Trash", or another "kMDQueryUpdateAddedItems" notification for the files.

Actual Results:
Files are added without notification.

iOS 10, macOS 10.12.2


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