in US English keyboard on iPad, £ and € symbols for swipe-down gesture are switched

Number:rdar://43484113 Date Originated:19/8/2018
Status: Resolved:
Product:iOS Product Version:11.4.1
Classification:Bug Reproducible:Always
In the US English keyboard on an iPad on iOS 11, in the keyboard view with numbers and punctuation, the second row has @ with £ above it, then # with € above it. Doing the swipe-down gesture on the @ key produces a €, while doing that gesture on the # key produces a £, rather than vice versa. 

Tapping the  #+- key correctly shows (and produces) € on the first key and £ on the second.

Steps to Reproduce:
Select English (US) keyboard layout
Tap the .?123 key
Swipe down on the @ key which shows a £ above it

Expected Results:
A £ should be typed

Actual Results:
A € is typed


This happens with English (US) but not English (Australia)


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