AVVideoMaxKeyFrameIntervalDurationKey = 0 has different behavior on HEVC than H264

Number:rdar://FB7528508 Date Originated:2020-01-09
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:AVFoundation Product Version:
Classification:Bug Reproducible:Always
Using AVVideoCodecTypeH264 with AVVideoMaxKeyFrameIntervalDurationKey = 0, we get a keyframe approximately every 30 frames.

Using AVVideoCodecTypeHEVC with AVVideoMaxKeyFrameIntervalDurationKey = 0, we get a single keyframe. This is equivalent to setting AVVideoMaxKeyFrameIntervalDurationKey = CGFLOAT_MAX. If we do not set this value, we get a keyframe approximately every 30 frames.

The documentation describes 0 as the default, which is misleading since the behavior when we set 0 is not the same as the behavior when we don't set it: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/videotoolbox/kvtcompressionpropertykey_maxkeyframeintervalduration


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