VoiceOver Recognition's "Image Descriptions" feature does not turn on/off image descriptions

Number:rdar://FB9727657 Date Originated:28 Oct 2021
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:UIKit Product Version:iOS 15
Classification: Reproducible:
Precondition: iOS 15
Note: This issue is related to, not to be confused with, FB9727624.

1. Enable VoiceOver but keep the system default settings. Ensure to keep disabled "Image Descriptions" under "VoiceOver Recognition" and "Feedback Style" as "Play Sound".
2. Go to an app which has images that are accessibility elements, especially elements whose subviews contain images. Example: Open the Apple TV app.
3. Move focus to one of these elements and let VoiceOver read the description. Be sure to wait to see if an image description is read (which should be preceded by a blip sound -- the default "Feedback Style" option.)
4. Go to VoiceOver settings and under "VoiceOver Recognition" enable "Image Descriptions" and let it download data.
5. Close the prior app and re-open it. With VoiceOver on go to the same accessibility elements.

Expected: After reading the accessibility label/traits, VoiceOver should only read image descriptions when the feature is turned off. This is what is implied by the description and legalize of the the "Image Descriptions" text.

Actual: After reading the accessibility label/traits, with "Image Descriptions" is disabled VoiceOver plays a blip sound then reads automatically generated comma delineated text of the objects in the picture ("Door, House Single, Porch, Stairs, Window"). When "Image Descriptions" is enabled VoiceOver plays a blip sound followed by  an automatically generated complete sentence describing the picture ("A photo containing a house single, a stairs, a porch, a window and a door").


Correction: "Expected: After reading the accessibility label/traits, VoiceOver should only read image descriptions when the feature is turned on. This is what is implied by the description and legalize of the the "Image Descriptions" text."

By christopher_hale at Oct. 28, 2021, 9:49 p.m. (reply...)

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