Xcode crashes every time I enter a command into the debugger

Number:rdar://23559366 Date Originated:16-Nov-2015 06:58 PM
Status:Duplicate Resolved:
Product:Developer Tools Product Version:7.1.1 (7B1005)
Classification: Reproducible:Always
Every time I execute something in the debugger console, Xcode crashes.

Using Swift 2 and Xcode Version 7.1.1 (7B1005). 

I can't think of much more information that's relevant, but I'm sure there's more, so please do ask me if there's anything I should add to my question that would help.

I've of course cleaned build and derived data.

It's driving me and other developers insane:


Steps to Reproduce:
1. Set breakpoint in project
2. Run project
3. Hit breakpoint
4. `po` something in the debugger

Expected Results:
data description printed in the debugging console

Actual Results:
Xcode crashes

Version 7.1.1 (7B1005)


The project is not very big, and has less than 10 third party frameworks. I've got a very small project, and Xcode doesn't crash when I use the debugger with this one. But I've compared the project settings, and can't find a difference between the two that causes the crash.

'xcode.crash' was successfully uploaded.


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