[UIImage imageNamed:] returning nil image for JPEGs with ~iphone suffixes

Number:rdar://7317728 Date Originated:September 23, 2019
Status: Resolved:
Product: Product Version:
Classification: Reproducible:
In previous versions of the iOS SDK, an Xcode project could include the following two files in the app target and use imageNamed: to get the correct one for their device:

- image~iphone.jpg
- image~ipad.jpg

This behaviour changed with iOS 13 (even though the app in question could link against the iOS 12 SDK, or earlier). 

Steps to reproduce:

- Create an iOS project with Xcode 10.
- Add two identically-named images (except for ~iphone and ~ipad suffixes to distinguish between the device idioms).
- Try loading the image on an iOS 13 device

Expect results: you get the image.

Actual results: you get nil.

I have created an Xcode project to recreate the bug (and I have verified that it works as expected on iOS 12 devices): https://github.com/ashfurrow/ios-13-uiimage-crash I will also attach the directory to this bug report.


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