Previews in Messages should be more useful

Number:rdar://27109703 Date Originated:6-30-2016
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS Product Version:10
Classification:UI/Usability Reproducible:Always

It's good to see link previews in the new Messages app. However, the implementation on iOS 10 betas is far less useful and usable than that of similar link-previewers elsewhere, and in some ways, less useful than the iOS 9 implementation.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Send web URL to iOS 10 device (for instance, a link to a tweet)
2. View iOS 10 device
3. See an obfuscated, incomplete URL simply identifying ""
4. Tap and wait for the page to load
5. See a truncated, tiny preview of a partial tweet

Expected Results:

The preview implementation should be similar to that of Facebook, Slack, et al. Webpage "cards" should be displayed without having to tap through manually, and the minimum preview length should be such that it, at the very least, encompasses a typical tweet.

Actual Results:

The current implementation is slow, clumsy, and actually worse than simply displaying the URL: we now can't even tell who the linked tweet might be from, or what the linked article headline might be.


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