Please expose API for IKImageBrowserView

Number:rdar://7290831 Date Originated:9 October 2009
Status:Duplicate/7300059 Resolved:
Product:Mac OS X Product Version:10.6.1
Classification:Enhancement Reproducible:N/A
We are updating the iMedia framework, currently in use by a couple of dozen shipping commercial applications, to make use of ImageKit.

It appears that IKImageBrowserView likes to preload/prefetch a cache of images, as a low-priority background task, as many not-yet-visible items that it can. This might be useful, except that we don't want to load the CPU (and network for remotely-retrieved images) if we can help it.

Especially since we have our own FIFO caching mechanism (so we can share our thumbnail data with other views into the same data), all this is doing is filling up the cache up to capacity and then causing the older items to be dumped.

We have found that by overriding _shouldProcessLongTasks to return NO, we can stop the background loading, so we don't just waste memory, CPU, and/or network bandwidth.

We don't like dealing with undocumented SPIs, but this is the only way we have found.  So please make a documented, public API that is the equivalent of this.


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