Search Results

Query: UICollectionView

Number Status Originator Product Title
rdar://FB9940615 Open kellerbryan19 UIKit UICollectionView Scroll-to-item with no position behaves differently on iOS 15 vs. all other iOS versions
rdar://FB9859772 Open eric.horacek SwiftUI Framework SwiftUI UIHostingController does not update size synchronously, preventing it from being used as a cell within in a UICollectionView
rdar://FB9834734 Open rfrenna iOS - UIKit UICollectionView with UIContextMenuInteraction and no UIMultiSelectInteraction causes main thread hang on long press
rdar://FB9833896 Open rfrenna iOS - UIKit Implementing `shouldBeginMultipleSelectionInteractionAt` irreversibly turns on single-finger band selection on UICollectionView
rdar://FB9809475 Open arnaud UIKit UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout fails to size cells correctly if estimated dimension is bigger than actual size
rdar://FB9749029 Open christopher_hale Accessibility Tab Bar A11y trait and dataTable container type reads wrong number of tabs for collection views
rdar://FB9524467 Open defagos UIKit UICollectionView index title API should provide the same features as UITableView index title API
rdar://FB9197862 Open jverkoey iOS UIListContentConfiguration.subtitleCell layout does not match UIListContentConfiguration.cell configured with secondaryText
rdar://FB8982283 Open eric.horacek Accessibility VoiceOver errantly focuses a text field on the presenting view controller following a custom modal presentation
rdar://FB8979046 Open kellerbryan19 macOS Catalyst UIScrollView Scrolls Past Content Boundary
rdar://FB8977366 Open skiinfobc UIKit Section content area is extended unexpectedly for a boundary item
rdar://FB8935555 Closed defagos tvOS SwiftUI internal rendering engine crash (attempt to read deallocated ViewGraph reference)
rdar://FB8804144 Open melissa.he.131 iOS, Mac Catalyst, tvOS Inaccurate documentation for UICollectionViewCell
rdar://FB8653320 Open rachelehyman UIKit UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource crash: Invalid parameter not satisfying: itemCount, when fetching data both asynchronously and synchronously
rdar://FB8436070 Open defagos tvOS Poor lazy stack scrolling performance (SwiftUI)
rdar://FB8421561 Open jpereira UICollectionView should support highlighting similar to UITableView when dealing with UICollectionViewListCells
rdar://FB8176223 Open business SwiftUI Framework SwiftUI UIHostingController - unable to disable safe area
rdar://FB7992286 Open indiekiduk UIKit UIDiffableDataSource.h has typedefs that are missing parameter names that makes Xcode auto-complete not as useable
rdar://FB7631286 Open servidionicholas UIKit UICollectionView.reloadItems(at:) is broken. Causes strange reloading of the same cell multiple times for different index paths.
rdar://FB12044256 Open kylebshr UIKit UICollectionView swipe actions in sidebar style are buggy
rdar://FB11638212 open SwiftUI Frameworks SwiftUI internal state crash - minimal and complete repro case included
rdar://FB10048705 Open lredpath SwiftUI NavigationLink highlighting is broken when used with NavigationStack
rdar://9835175 arnaud UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout causes UICollectionView to report wrong contentSize
rdar://9835173 arnaud UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout causes UICollectionView to report wrong contentOffset
rdar://9835166 arnaud UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout causes UICollectionView scrollRectToVisible(_:animated:) to fail
rdar://7496095 Open RadwanAzzouz iOS SDK Presenting a rotation-forced UIViewController affects the collection view's offset
rdar://7469191 vmagaziy iOS UICollectionView layout is not always invalidated on bounds changes as of iOS 13
rdar://7401200 Open brian UIKit UICollectionView Interactive Movement Jump Regression
rdar://48955657 Open kellerbryan19 UIKit Invalid supplementary view index path passed to layout
rdar://48941906 Open kellerbryan19 UIKit Crash in UICollectionViewData when performing no-op batch update
rdar://48941363 Open kellerbryan19 UIKit performBatchUpdates completion block not invoked
rdar://48363057 Open jm.jakubmarek iOS + SDK UICollectionView sticky header (sectionHeadersPinToVisibleBounds) disappears for while after inserting section when collection is overscrolled (bounce effect)
rdar://47325370 elitecoder.mukul iOS + SDK UIKit Setting estimatedItemSize on UICollectionViewFlowLayout breaks UICollectionViewDataSourcePrefetching
rdar://47313569 Open avedesk iOS + SDK -[UICollectionView layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath:] return an empty frame for selected items
rdar://47031301 Open lap.felix iOS + SDK UICollectionView ignores taps and highlights wrong cell during reload
rdar://46944818 Open an00na iOS + SDK UICollectionView.contentSize is wrong with self-sizing cells and non-default minimumLineSpacing
rdar://46744145 Duplicate bryn.bodayle iOS + SDK UICollectionViewFlowLayout EXC_ARITHMETIC Crash When Calling layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath in layoutSubviews
rdar://46236635 New maximilianfc iOS SDK UIKit UICollectionView with self sizing cells exhibits sizing problems on cell insert and delete
rdar://46236349 New maximilianfc iOS SDK UIKit UICollectionView with self sizing cells lays out incorrectly
rdar://46156228 Open steipete iOS + SDK UICollectionView was deallocated while an update was in flight
rdar://46033112 Open steipete iOS + SDK Documentation says iPhone Drag & Drop works between apps? Would love that.
rdar://44805560 Open atomicbird Xcode Xcode 10 Interface Builder regression with collection views
rdar://44241734 Open kellerbryan19 UIKit UICollectionView self sizing resets to estimated / unexpected heights
rdar://43647834 Open retsohuang iOS + SDK Deprecate UITableView and offer a UICollectionViewTableLayout instead
rdar://43610684 Open milkservice iOS + SDK UIKit Crash/Freeze in UICollectionView.performBatchUpdates when Removing Header
rdar://43014187 Open steipete iOS + SDK Drag and Drop source application can't play a role in to the drop session/has no visibility into what the result of the drop session was on the destination application
rdar://43009124 Open oscar iOS + SDK Drag and Drop source application can't play a role in to the drop session/has no visibility into what the result of the drop session was on the destination application
rdar://42798866 addison.f.webb iOS + SDK UICollectionViewFlowLayout layout not correct on iPad Pro 10.5”
rdar://42798866 addison.f.webb iOS + SDK UICollectionViewFlowLayout layout not correct on iPad Pro 10.5”
rdar://42798866 addison.f.webb iOS + SDK UICollectionViewFlowLayout layout not correct on iPad Pro 10.5”
rdar://42798866 addison.f.webb iOS + SDK UICollectionViewFlowLayout layout not correct on iPad Pro 10.5”
rdar://42798866 addison.f.webb iOS + SDK UICollectionViewFlowLayout layout not correct on iPad Pro 10.5”
rdar://42798866 addison.f.webb iOS + SDK UICollectionViewFlowLayout layout not correct on iPad Pro 10.5”
rdar://42798866 addison.f.webb iOS + SDK UICollectionViewFlowLayout layout not correct on iPad Pro 10.5”
rdar://42798866 addison.f.webb iOS + SDK UICollectionViewFlowLayout layout not correct on iPad Pro 10.5”
rdar://42390719 Open misacek UIKit Premature UICollectionView re-layout when animating its frame [iOS 11][iOS 12]
rdar://42154922 Open steipete iOS + SDK Assertion in _UIDragSnappingFeedbackGenerator.userInteractionStarted at UIDragSession start
rdar://42139082 Closed oscar iOS + SDK Assertion in _UIDragSnappingFeedbackGenerator.userInteractionStarted at UIDragSession start
rdar://42068699 Open oscar iOS + SDK UIDropOperationMove behavior is ignored when there are multiple items in the dragging session
rdar://41980171 Open hotngui iOS UICollectionViewLayout not updated on split view size change
rdar://41583740 Open oscar UIKit -[UICollectionViewDropCoordinator dropItem:toPlaceholderInsertedAtIndexPath:withReuseIdentifier:cellUpdateHandler:] is removed/missing and the documentation is not updated
rdar://41492798 Closed kellerbryan19 UIKit UICollectionViewFlowLayout incorrect delete animation
rdar://41101885 Closed kellerbryan19 UIKit UICollectionViewFlowLayout crash on delete due to self sizing cells
rdar://40926834 Open kellerbryan19 UIKit Self Sizing + Prefetching Bugs
rdar://39604024 Duplicate of 34932237 matej iOS + SDK UICollectionView prefetching can cause display of pages hidden for reuse
rdar://39249529 Open lap.felix iOS + SDK -[UICollectionReusableView prepareForReuse] needs NS_REQUIRES_SUPER
rdar://37836568 Open bryan.keller iOS / UIKit UICollectionView's `scrollToItemAtIndexPath` does not work when using self sizing cells
rdar://37530870 Duplicate/37529144/Open futuretap iOS + SDK UIDataSourceTranslating is undocumented
rdar://37529144 Open michaelhochs iOS + SDK UIDataSourceTranslating is undocumented
rdar://36843476 Fixed steipete Developer Tools Crash in Xcode 9.3b1 swift compiler: Stored value type does not match pointer operand type!
rdar://36248287 Open douglashill iOS + SDK Should be possible to customise visible bounds UICollectionView uses for loading cells
rdar://36248271 Open douglashill iOS + SDK Custom paging size in page scroll view
rdar://36176614 Duplicate/33316167/Open futuretap iOS + SDK UICollectionView should provide a way to derive the visible bounds from a containing scroll view
rdar://35717256 Roland.Leth UIKit UICollectionView with self-sizing cells resets cells to estimatedSize during insert/remove animation
rdar://35668509 Open guillaume.algis iOS + SDK -[UICollectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:] should return a "__kindof UICollectionViewCell *"
rdar://35660253 Open an00na iOS + SDK UICollectionView.contentOffset is changed after presenting & dismissing full screen view controller
rdar://35645980 Unresolved web UIKit UICollectionView scroll Indicator displayed behind section header views
rdar://35038472 egill UIKit UICollectionView with self-sizing cells resizes cells during insert/remove animation or performBatchUpdates
rdar://34983799 Closed Josh.Lieberman92 tvOS + SDK focusedCellIndexPath on UICollectionView should be public
rdar://34933061 Open prolfe07 iOS UICollectionView reloads cell after `endInteractiveMovement`
rdar://34829104 Created mauricio.meirelles iOS + SDK UICollectionView scrollIndicator displayed under section header view
rdar://34633539 Open willk37 iOS + SDK UICollectionView section header hides scroll indicator
rdar://34308893 Open ios + SDK UICollectionView fails to honour zPosition and zIndex - iOS 11 only
rdar://34175587 open biard.romain iOS WKWebView embedded in CollectionView ignores frame manually set and take visible bounds to layout HTML Content (Video)
rdar://33847193 Open steipete iOS + SDK UIScrollView only looks up to the next scroll view when forwarding touches
rdar://33844993 Open michaelhochs iOS + SDK UIScrollView only looks up to the next scroll view when forwarding touches
rdar://33675992 Open michaelhochs iOS + SDK Make SPI to hook into UIScrollView didScroll public
rdar://33675923 Open michaelhochs iOS + SDK Make UICollectionView zoomable
rdar://33413316 Open poppoppop iOS Drag and drop to move items in UICollectionView and UITableView does not work when dragging multiple items
rdar://33316457 Open matej iOS + SDK UICollectionView should provide a way to derive the visible bounds from a containing scroll view
rdar://33316335 Open steipete iOS + SDK UICollectionView should provide a way to derive the visible bounds from a containing scroll view
rdar://33316167 Open michaelhochs iOS + SDK UICollectionView should provide a way to derive the visible bounds from a containing scroll view
rdar://33158629 Open an00na iOS + SDK No way to configure UIDragDropSession.allowsMoveOperation & restrictedToDraggingApplication with UITableViewDragDelegate or UICollectionViewDragDelegate
rdar://33026752 Open aditya iOS + SDK UICollectionView lift animation intermittently stops working when registered for 3D touch previewing
rdar://32953541 Open howes039 iOS WKWebview accessibility navigation doesn't work when nested in UICollectionView or UIScrollView
rdar://32854527 Open curtis.clifton iOS + SDK UITableView and UICollectionView should provide an approved method for removing system interactions
rdar://32623775 Open spencer.samuel1 Xcode UIStackView Inflexible, Oversized Autolayout Bounds
rdar://32564327 Open arkadiusz.holko iOS + SDK Incorrect isSelected state of prefetched cells in UICollectionView after manually selecting/deselecting them
rdar://32547794 DUPLICATE OF 23255528 | OPEN smiller iOS + SDK UICollectionView/UIScrollView ignores fractional content offsets in some cases
rdar://32544063 Closed smiller iOS + SDK PerformBatchUpdates crashes with NSInternalInconsistencyException requesting absurd index

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