usleep eating a large amount of CPU time, thread priorities weird

Number:rdar://8857757 Date Originated:2011-01-12
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS Product Version:3.1-4.2
Classification:Performance Reproducible:Always
On iOS devices (iPhone and iPad), calling usleep() consumes a significantly large amount of CPU time when on a background thread. usleep generally should be nicer to the processor.

In the open source library ALmixer (attached), there is a worker thread that is created to do some state management bookkeeping. Often, it does not need to actually do anything, so to be nice to the processor, I call usleep(10) to yield the thread. This works on all other systems I've tried (Mac OS, Windows, Linux, FreeBSD), but on iOS, I discovered that a large amount of time is being spent in usleep.

For programs that are near maxing out the CPU, this usleep() causes a pathological performance problem. Applications begin to start stuttering as it seems that this background thread keeps waking up.

To work around the problem, I change the pthread priority. I discovered that the default was 31 which is the highest or next highest priority. To improve the performance of my program, I had to lower the priority all the way to the lowest (0 I think). Small values above the lowest did not improve the performance.

Steps to Reproduce:
Attached is a demo program. It is a simple OpenGL template that activates my background thread. Run the app on a device in Instruments with the Time Profiler. You will see a huge amount of time spent in usleep() called on my worker thread.

There is not enough stuff going on in this program to see stuttering. If you could find a stressful program, you would probably see stuttering.

Expected Results:
usleep should not be sucking up all the CPU.

Actual Results:
CPU is eaten by usleep.

Seems to always have been bad.

In ALmixer.c, look for:

If you enable this, you'll enable my thread priority code which sets the level to 0 and the CPU cost goes down significantly.

Also attached is a saved Instruments trace.


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