Property list editor: export of OpenStep format writes invalid arrays

Number:rdar://7375547 Date Originated:2009-11-08
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Developer Tools Product Version:3.2
Classification:Other Bug Reproducible:Always
When saving property lists in OpenStep format (“Text Property List”) in Property List Editor, a comma is included after the last item in any array. This is syntactically incorrect an prevents the plist from being read by some plist implementations, including the Foundation one in Mac OS X 10.4 and GNUstep.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. In Property List Editor, create a new document.
2. Add a new child to the root element and set its type to Array.
3. Add several children of arbitrary type to the property list.
4. Select File->Save As, set File Format to “Text Property List”, and save.
5. Examine the resulting file in a text editor.

Expected Results:
The file should be syntactically correct; in particular, commas should be used as an item separator in arrays, not an item terminator.

Actual Results:
The file is syntactically incorrect; in particular, there is a trailing comma after the last item in the array.

My testers tell me the Property List Editor distributed with version 3.0 developer tools for Leopard have the same problem, but the version distributed with developer tools for Tiger do not. This is to be expected, since the buggy property list files can’t be read by Foundation (including Property List Editor) under Tiger.


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