Safari 5.1 no longer recognizes local domains registered with dscl

Number:rdar://9834944 Date Originated:25-Jul-2011 01:11 PM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product: Product Version:
Classification:Serious Bug Reproducible:Always
25-Jul-2011 01:11 PM Greg Pierce:
'Directory Utility.jpg' was successfully uploaded

25-Jul-2011 01:11 PM Greg Pierce:

Local domains registered with Directory Services under /Local/Default/Hosts are no longer recognized by Safari. These host domains worked fine in prior versions of Safari (<5.1) and continue to work fine in Firefox, Chrome and other browsers.  When one of these domains is accessed in Safari, it now spins and spins and loading activity monitor, and never loads any content.

Steps to Reproduce:

1) Register a local domain under /Local/Default/Hosts in the Directory Utility, or via dscl command line tool (see attachment for sample):

/usr/bin/dscl localhost -create /Local/Default/Hosts/devsetup.local IPAddress

2) Open Safari, attempt to load "devsetup.local"

3) Watch the never ending load indicator.

4) Open Firefox/Chrome, load "devsetup.local" -- see your local Apache "It Works" page.

Expected Results:

Safari will recognize the local host and make a request to Web Sharing/Apache on the localhost.

Actual Results:



Same settings worked in all prior versions of Safari.


For what a +1 is worth, this is also affecting me on an upgraded installation of Snow Leopard to Lion; under the exact same circumstances as above.

By lee.hambley at July 31, 2011, 12:09 p.m. (reply...)

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