CalCalendar does not expose group information

Number:rdar://10061826 Date Originated:01-Sep-2011
Status:open Resolved:
Product:Mac OSX Product Version:10.6
Classification:enhancement Reproducible:always

There is no public access to _group ivar of the CalCalendar class in the CalendarStore framework. Accessing the ivar directly will most likely result in a rejection to the App Store - but there is no other way of obtaining this kind of information. And this information is essential when reading the calendars from the CalendarStore.

Steps to Reproduce:


Expected Results:

"group" is an important part of a CalCalendar and should be exposed through a read-only property.

Actual Results:

The ivar _group is not documented and not part of the public API.





also needs the CalGroup exposed

I changed the filed radar to be a little more generic as the group ivar holds a reference to CalGroup class which also is private API.

What's needed is a way to read the group/calendar relationship information. This could mean just exposing the ivar and the CalGroup class.

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