discoveryd causes inaccurate AD group lookups

Number:rdar://19237746 Date Originated:12-Dec-2014 05:32 PM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:OS X Product Version:10.10.x
Classification:DNS Reproducible:Every Time
The method ODRecordContainsMember does not return correct results under OS X 10.10 for the first 60+ seconds after boot or network connection for Active Directory Users and Groups.

In OS X 10.10 Results returned are false, even though the user does indeed belong to the group. It takes over 60+ seconds before we get a correct response.

If you search for a user that is a member of a group, ODRecordContainsMember will return false. After 60+ seconds the method will start returning proper results.

1) Compile command line app to test the ODRecordContainsMember method.

This app has a few classes, 1st for getting the DS (Active Directory) User ODRecord and a 2nd for getting a DS (Active Directory) Group ODRecord.

I then use ODRecordContainsMember to search for group membership.

2) Clear the DS cache (dscacheutil -flushcache)

3) Plugin the network that has access to the AD domain.

4) Run the binary to test the ODRecordContainsMember method

This can also be reproduced with the "id" command.

Under OS X 10.8.5 and 10.9.5 the ODRecordContainsMember returns the proper value within 1 sec of being connected to the network.

OS X 10.10.2 does not. It take over 60 sec and multiple runs of the binary for it to display the correct result. I know that the 10.10.2 machine is communicating with AD because I am printing out the ODRecords it is returning.

So I was looking through a [Fed-Talk] email chain and someone send out
this link:

I went ahead and tried it out on my 10.10.2 box… Guess what… The AD lookup
issue is resolved in 10.10 when running mDNSResponder instead of
I tried this on a second 10.10.2 system to confirm. Yep. AD group lookups
resolve correctly almost instantly. Just like 10.7 - 10.9.

Tom Burgin [C]
Mac Support Engineer
(301) 443-3904


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