Publicly expose hidden AUSampler parameters and properties

Number:rdar://FB12275009 Date Originated:08.06.2023
Status:Open Resolved:No
Product:iOS and macOS Product Version:iOS 16, macOS Ventura
Classification:Feature Request Reproducible:Yes
AUSampler's custom Audio unit view allows for rich control of sampler parameters and properties.

For example, we can control:

- Filter resonance and cutoff frequency
- LFO delay, rate and shape
- Zone volume, pan and tuning

and many more. And all of this works in realtime!

However, it is unfortunate that none of these controls are currently exposed in the public APIs. As developers, we are unable to access the full functionality of the AUSampler from our applications. The lack of public access to the underlying AudioUnitPropertyID limits our ability to fully leverage the rich capabilities of this powerful tool.

AUSampler is very rich and powerful and it is unfortunate that we can't access all of the functionality that it contains from our apps.

Please consider making these public.


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