Sandboxed app cannot launch apps not yet launched by the user

Number:rdar://10934199 Date Originated:26-Feb-2012 02:30 PM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Mac PS X Product Version:10.8DP1/12A128p
Classification:Serious Bug Reproducible:Always
Summary: A sandboxed application cannot launch other applications that have not been launched manually by the user. The issue applies to both OS X 10.7.3 and 10.8DP1 when Gate Keeper is off (i.e. set to from Anywhere).

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Create an application A and put it somewhere (in /Applications, in the user directory, does not seem to matter) so that the full path to application is some APPLICATIONAPATH. Do not launch it manually.

2. Create a sandboxed application B that contains this code:

	NSError*	error	= nil;
	NSRunningApplication*	app = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] launchApplicationAtURL: [NSURL fileURLWithPath: APPLICATIONAPATH]
		options: NSWorkspaceLaunchDefault
		configuration: nil
		error: &error ];

3. Run the sandboxed application B.

Expected Results: The method should launch the application returning a valid NSRunningApplication instance and no error.

Actual Results: The method does not launch the application returning nil and setting error to this:

Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3584 "The application “APPANAME” could not be launched because it is corrupt." UserInfo=0x7fe06a218720 {NSURL=file://localhost/APPLICATIONAPATH, NSLocalizedDescription=The application “APPANAME” could not be launched because it is corrupt., NSUnderlyingError=0x7fe06a218af0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -10827.)"}

Once you launch (and quit) application A manually, launching it from the sandboxed application B starts to work too.

Notes: There does not seem to be any reason for this. Imagine that the user installs a suite of applications that need to launch each other, or an application that uses a helper application. Additionally the error codes do not make sense (-10827==kLSNoExecutableErr).


Looks similar to my 10866101, which was just marked as Duplicate/8868067.

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