Smart App Banner on iOS7

Number:rdar://15229369 Date Originated:15-Oct-2013
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS Product Version:7.0.2
Classification:Other Reproducible:Allways
We are providing a "Smart App Banner" on our Website, with a valid URL as "app-argument". It worked perfekt on iOS6, after pressing the "Open" button on the App banner, the App opens and calls AppDelegates:


On iOS7 this is not called and we cannot handle the parameter provided by the "Smart App Banner"

Steps to Reproduce:
- Provide Smart App Banner with valid URL as app-argument
- Open App on iOS 7 Device via Smart App Banners "Open" Button
- Wait for AppDelegates application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation: call

Expected Results:
AppDelegates application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation: is called on IOS 7

Actual Results:
AppDelegates application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation: is NOT called on IOS 7

iOS 7.0.2


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