NSWindow with hidden title, toolbar and auto-save name keeps growing at each launch

Number:rdar://18510665 Date Originated:01-Oct-2014
Status:State:OpenProduct Resolved:
Product:OS X Product Version:10.10 GM Candidate 1
Classification:Serious Bug Reproducible:Always
When launching an app that displays a window that happens to hide the title and has a toolbar and has an autosave name, it will keep growing on the Y axis every time you launch the app.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a new Mac project
2. In AppDelegate.m, set self.window.titleVisibility = NSWindowTitleHidden; in awakeFromNib
3. Open MainMenu.XIB
4. Set an autosave name for the window
5. Drag a toolbar in the window
6. Run the app and close it right away.
7. Re-open the app.

Expected Results:
The window should be the same size as it was when the app was terminated.

Actual Results:
The window has grown in the Y axis the same size as the title bar would be if it was visible.

OS X 10.10 GM Candidate 1


Run GrowingWindow project to see behaviour: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4nfgrvcfiuphamq/GrowingWindow.zip?dl=0



Got Solution

I've just encountered this issue too and was looking for solution. The problem is that window size is restored by the system using -[NSWindow setFrameUsingName:] before titleVisibility is set. Solution: 1. Remove "Autosave Name" value in Interface Builder. 2. Set it in code right after setting titleVisibility using -[NSWindow setFrameAutosaveName:].

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