UITableView jumping to top on endUpdates while typing inside a cell on iOS 8 auto height

Number:rdar://20105573 Date Originated:3/10/2015
Status:open Resolved:
Product:iOS SDK Product Version:iOS 8.2
Classification:UI/UX Reproducible:always
I am using iOS 8 self-sizing cells (tableView.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension and tableView:estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath:) combination. It works great until I start typing something inside a cell. When I'm typing, I'm calling beginUpdates/endUpdates pair to resize my cell (text view grows as I type and shrinks as I delete) but each call results in a bad jump to top of the table view. If I remove the beginUpdates/endUpdates pair then it doesn't jump but my cell doesn't resize as I type.

We figured out we could check and only update the table when the size actually needs to change via:
// Resize cell only when cell's size is changes
        if size.height != newSize.height

so it only jumps when the cell gets bigger but it still jumps. 

I attached the project, also available here on Github - https://github.com/joshdance/TableViewJumpIssue

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Tap in the cell
2. Start entering text

Expected Results:
I would expect the tableView not to jump to the top when it gets resized. Or maybe a parameter to set where I could set a scroll location it would stay at while the table is updating. 

Actual Results:
Calling the beginUpdates/endUpdates pair to resize my cell but each call results in a bad jump to top of the tableView. 

iOS 8.2


iOS Simulator. Also iPhone 6

'TableViewJumpIssue.zip' was successfully uploaded.


Facing the same issue.

I am also facing the same issue on iOS8 only on iOS7 it works fine. Any Fixes or update on this.

By quantumarun at April 22, 2015, 9:46 a.m. (reply...)

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