SLComposeViewController setInitialText does not work when using SLServiceTypeFacebook on iOS 8.3

Number:rdar://20709403 Date Originated:27-Apr-2015 11:19 AM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS SDK Product Version:8.3
Classification:Bug Reproducible:Always
SLComposeViewController configured with SLServiceTypeFacebook, will return YES from setInitialText, but the initial text is not retained and displayed in the dialog when the view controller is presented.

This is a new bug in iOS 8.3 and only occurs on a device. Text appears fine when used on iOS Simulator, and SLComposeViewController setInitialText continues to work properly using SLServiceTypeTwitter.

Steps to Reproduce:
- Open attached sample project.
- Run on a device.
- Make sure the device has at least one valid Twitter account and a Facebook login configured in iOS settings.
- Tap the "Twitter" button, SLComposeViewController is created and displayed with the initial text as expected.
- Tap the "Facebook" button, SLComposeViewController is created and displayed, but the value set in setInitialText is not maintained.

Expected Results:
SLComposeViewController should display the text provided in the setInitialText method call.

Actual Results:
SLComposeViewController text field is blank.

iOS 8.3



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Radar Duped, still happening in iOS 10

Looks like the problem is the FB App intercepting and providing its own SLComposeViewController, not Apple's one. Try this on device, uninstalling the FB app and everything works again.

For reference:

By dfreniche at Oct. 6, 2016, 4:57 a.m. (reply...)

I agree with scott.byrns.

I have been tested SLComposeViewController with facebook and it works great. When i update facebook (version 29.0 - 24 April 2015) at 26 April 2015, setInitialText and addImage methods are not work properly. After push share button, i check facebook account and i just saw shared URL. (i also use addURL method.)

I have come across this same issue. What I found is that this only happens if you have the latest facebook app installed.

By scott.byrns at May 1, 2015, 9:13 p.m. (reply...)

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