Request for active network connection on restart when possible

Number:rdar://20934028 Date Originated:2015-05-13
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS Product Version:iOS 8.3, [12F69]
Classification:Enhancement Reproducible:N/A
I support a grade 9-12 1:1 iPad deployment, using DEP. Students sometimes forget their passcode, or perhaps they have been the subject of bullying and their passcode has been changed on them. 

It would be good if open SSIDs that have been connected to in the past would be available for use at first iPad restart, so APNS commands like Clear Passcode could be received from the MDM server. 

It would be good if an ethernet connection using a camera connection kit and a powered USB hub would be a supported configuration that always works in this instance, as I've had cases when it wouldn't.

Steps to Reproduce:
1) Add a passcode to an iPad.
2) Restart it
3) Pretend you have forgotten it, and try to use your MDM to send a Clear Passcode command

Expected Results:
Passcode is cleared, and you can access the iPad again

Actual Results:
iPad cannot receive MDM command, so you cannot get in

iPad 4th Generation (Wi-Fi)


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