Xcode warns against not implementing the superclass designated initializer, even if it is marked unavailable in the subclass

Number:rdar://21302875 Date Originated:09-Jun-2015 10:27 AM
Status:Duplicate of 20281322 (Closed) Resolved:
Product:iOS SDK Product Version:Version 7.0 beta (7A120f)
Classification:Other bug Reproducible:Yes
Xcode 7 issues a compiler warning if a subclass with a custom designated initializer (specified using NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER) does not implement the superclass designated initializer, even if the superclass designated initializer is marked unavailable (NS_UNAVAILABLE). This behaviour has changed between Xcode 6.x and Xcode 7.

Steps to Reproduce:
Attached sample project illustrates the issue. In summary;

1) Subclass NSObject
2) Create custom designated initializer on subclass, mark is NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER
3) Mark inherited init method unavailable using NS_UNAVAILABLE
4) Warning issued; "Method override for the designated initializer of the superclass '-init' not found"

Expected Results:
No warning is issued if the subclass designated initializer is marked unavailable (NS_UNAVAILABLE)

Actual Results:
Warning is issued


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