iPhone occasionally sends out IPv4 packet marked as IPv6 in Ethernet header

Number:rdar://21521882 Date Originated:2015/06/24
Status:Closed Resolved:iOS 9 GM (Build: 13A344)
Product:iOS Product Version:iOS 8.3 (12F70)
Classification: Reproducible:Sometimes
Occasionally, my iPhone 6 sends out IPv4 packets marked as a IPv6 packet (Type 0x86dd) in Ethernet header. This results in data loss since the packet cannot be correctly interpreted or routed.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Start capturing ethernet traffic on network router
2. Wait 1-2 Minutes
3. Analyze captured data with Wireshark
4. Search for IPv6 packets with source address starting with 4006::
5. Decode IPv6 packet as IPv4 packet and verify that it's indeed a correct IPv4 packet

Expected Results:
iPhone should send IPv4 packets with correct Ethernet type 0x0800.

Actual Results:
iPhone sends out IPv4 packet with incorrect Ethernet type 0x86dd.

iOS 8.3 (12F70)

Problem is also described in detail here: https://www.famkruithof.net/4006ipv6prefix.html

iPhone 6 (A1586), 64GB, using WiFi

'IPv6_4006_Prefix_a_eng.png' was successfully uploaded.


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