UIDatePicker view shows vertical white overlay under certain conditions

Number:rdar://22473183 Date Originated:28-Aug-2015 12:05 PM
Status:Duplicate of 22468877 (Closed) Resolved:
Product:iOS SDK Product Version:iOS 9.0
Classification: Reproducible:Yes
Adding a UIDatePicker control to a XIB of a UICollectionViewCell subclass and setting the width of the cell to 285px results in a vertical white overlay over the centre of the control.

Steps to Reproduce:
Attached sample project demonstrating bug.

1. Add UICollectionView to a UIViewController subclass
2. Add UICollectionViewCell subclass with XIB.
3. Edit XIB adding a UIDatePicker control with Auto Layout constraints to fit the screen.
4. Register the XIB with the UICollectionView.
5. Implement UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout's collectionView:layout:sizeForItemAtIndexPath: returning CGSizeMake(285, 180);
6. Run project in simulator

Expected Results:
UIDatePicker displays correctly.

Actual Results:
UIDatePicker displays with vertical white bar.

iOS 9.0


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