Spotlight preventing external drives from being ejected

Number:rdar://22983221 Date Originated:06-Oct-2015 01:15 AM
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:OSX Product Version:10.11 (15A284)
Classification:Data Loss Reproducible:Sometimes
Since updating to El Cap ejecting my Time Machine external hard drive from my laptop has not worked once.

I have simply been rebooting and unplugging it while it is off. However, today I had a lot open I did not want to have to reload/reopen so I decided to track down the problem.

The drive in question is named "Kyles HD"

Running: sudo lsof | grep /Volumes/Kyles
revealed that all the open files were from in ".Spotlight-V100".

Quitting the "mds" can "mds_store" programs in Activity Indicator allowed the hard drive to eject instantly without issue.

I have attached the log of the output from lsof.

Steps to Reproduce:
Connect an external hard drive
Use your computer for a while.
Try to eject the drive.

Expected Results:
The drive will eject successfully after a few seconds.

Actual Results:
Even with no applications running (as shown in the dock) at all, it will fail to eject and say that something is using it.

Running "sudo lost" reveals the culprit to be Spotlight.

10.11 (15A284)


Macbook Pro 2010, with the 1TB USB hard drive plugged and being used solely for TimeMachine 

terminal_log.txt - configuration file has been successfully uploaded.

'terminal_log.txt' was successfully uploaded.


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