[SKAction performSelector:onTarget:] fails to perform selector in iOS 11

Number:rdar://35772829 Date Originated:11/30/2017
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iOS + SDK SpriteKit Product Version:11.1
Classification:Other Bug Reproducible:Always

As of iOS 11.1, [SKAction performSelector:onTarget:] fails to perform a selector on an unretained object in a simple test case.

In iOS 10.3.1, the selector is performed.
Alternately, if either the action or the target are retained elsewhere in the app, the selector is performed.

(Note that `performSelector:onTarget:` is documented to retain its target strongly, and it does, if the action itself is retained.  Perhaps [SKNode runAction] is the culprit?)

Steps to Reproduce:

Starting with the Xcode "Game" template for iOS:

    @implementation GameScene

    - (void)didMoveToView:(SKView *)view {
      LifetimeLogger *lifetimeLogger = [[LifetimeLogger alloc] init];
      SKAction *performSelectorAction = [SKAction performSelector:@selector(aLifetimeLoggerMethod) onTarget:lifetimeLogger];
      [self runAction:performSelectorAction];


The LifetimeLogger object is an NSObject with simple logging added to init and dealloc:

    @interface LifetimeLogger : NSObject
    - (void)aLifetimeLoggerMethod;

    @implementation LifetimeLogger

    - (instancetype)init {
      NSLog(@"LifetimeLogger: init");
      return [super init];

    - (void)dealloc {
      NSLog(@"LifetimeLogger: dealloc");

    - (void)aLifetimeLoggerMethod {
      NSLog(@"LifetimeLogger: aLifetimeLoggerMethod");


Expected Results:

(These results logged using iPhone 6 Simulator iOS 10.3.1.)

  2017-11-30 11:05:57.651 TestPerformSelector[22086:2466019] LifetimeLogger: init
  2017-11-30 11:05:57.654 TestPerformSelector[22086:2466019] LifetimeLogger: aLifetimeLoggerMethod
  2017-11-30 11:05:57.655 TestPerformSelector[22086:2466019] LifetimeLogger: dealloc

Actual Results:

(These results logged using iPhone 6 Simulator iOS 11.1.  The selector is not performed on the target by the action.)

  2017-11-30 10:52:45.247456-0500 TestPerformSelector[21709:2445008] LifetimeLogger: init
  2017-11-30 10:52:45.247737-0500 TestPerformSelector[21709:2445008] LifetimeLogger: dealloc






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