Overriding "UITextView.textInputMode" no longer opens correct keyboard

Number:rdar://7336863 Date Originated:2019-09-30
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:UIKit Product Version:iOS 13
Classification:Bug Reproducible:Always
- Create a subclass of UITextView
- Override “textInputMode” and have it return one of the “UITextInputMode.activeInputModes”
- Expect the keyboard for the given input mode to open
- See the system keyboard open instead.

This was working until iOS 13. It seems to be fine in iOS 12.

This is being built on a slightly older version of — Xcode Version 10.2.1 (10E1001)
Being run on an iPhone X, iOS 13.1.1 (17A854), but getting reports from multiple users on multiple devices for this issue.

Here is a sample project that illustrates the problem: https://github.com/cjwirth/radars/tree/master/keyboard-sadness


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