Warning for Secure Empty Trash misleads that trash can normally be recovered

Number:rdar://9634001 Date Originated:2011/06/17
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Mac OS X Product Version:10.6.7 10J869
Classification:UI/Usability Reproducible:Always
The warning when performing a 'Secure Empty Trash' operation misleads users that a normal 'Empty Trash' operation is easily reversable.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Quit your job.
2. Quickly move the embarrassing files in your Documents directory to the trash before making your way out of the building.
3. From File menu in Finder, select 'Secure Empty Trash'
4. Heed this warning: "Secure Empty Trash permanently erases the items in the Trash. Are you sure you want to permanently erase them? If you choose Secure Empty Trash, you can't recover the items unless you've backed them up using Time Machine or another backup program."
5. Do it anyhow. You definitely don't want these recovered!
6. Go home, pondering the warning. If this gets a special warning, that means that the normal emptying of the trash can be easily reversed, right?
7. Live life with much less caution over Trash emptying, until three weeks later when you were careless over deleting your entire Pictures directory. The wife is going to kill you when she finds out!
8. Frantically search online for that magic "get my stuff back" button.

Expected Results:
Well, the warning said that this only happened for secure deletions. Where's the stuff?!

Actual Results:
Sorry dude. No files for you. Well, unless you go out and get some serious high-pricetag utilities to scan your disk, which is what that warning meant.

None that I know of, unless "Running rm from Terminal offers no such misleading warning" counts, but I don't think too many end users will run into that "bug".

Thanks for being part of the team that deals with our crap. You all do your job extremely well!


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