Reveal in Finder command should change focus to screen where the parent folder window opens
Number:rdar://FB11770299 Date Originated:2022-11-09
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Finder Product Version:11.5.1
Classification:Bug Reproducible:Always
## Environment
- It's a bug of Finder
- On macOS 11.7
- Dual screen setup (24'' on top, 15'' Retina MacBook Pro screen immediately below, tilted ca 120°)
- Happens in any app that can trigger a "Reveal in Finder" command

## Reproduction
1) In any app which supports the "Reveal in Finder" command, e.g. HoudahSpot or GraphicConverter, select a file or folder in its browser or have a file open.

2) Trigger the "Reveal in Finder" command.
a) HoudahSpot > Menu > Results > Reveal in Finder (⌘ R)
b) GraphicConverter > Menu > Overflow Menu shown with icon "…" > Reveal in Finder (⌘ ⇧  R)

## Actual behavior in Finder

3) Finder does this
a) Opens the parent folder of that item in a new Finder window and that item is selected. So far all good.
b) The problem manifests on a multi screen setup: If that Finder window happens to open on the screen which doesn't have focus, then that window does not get focus either. It doesn't bring that window to the foreground.

Instead in your currently focused screen there is another elder window in focus with a file selected:
c) either from a previous 3rd party "Reveal in Finder" command,
d) or from an independent Finder navigation session.

When I did not realize that bug, I often wondered, hmm… where is that item now that I wanted revealed?
The window that is in foreground has an item selected, totally unrelated to the file I wanted revealed.
Only when my gaze wanders around I then find the window with revealed file on my other screen.

## Expected behavior in Finder

When the Finder receives a "Reveal in Finder" command it:
a) opens and focuses that window,
b) selects the item in it,
c) scrolls the viewport to that item if outside of the viewport,
d) focuses the screen hosting that window, thereby also the Finder window indeed gets focus (shown in full contrast, not the faded background appearance).

Please answer me in any case: I appreciate to know if that bug is fixed on newer macOS versions. Would be an incentive to buy a new Mac which runs this. And if it's a new bug which still exists in the current macOS, I also appreciate just a short confirmation. Thanks.


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