How to generate a recovery key (HT208072) > Section "Use a recovery key" has some ambiguity
Number:rdar://FB9039895 Date Originated:2021-03-11
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:iCloud Product Version:
Classification:Suggestion on How To article Reproducible:

"Use a recovery key
If you forget your Apple ID password, you can try to regain access using your trusted device protected by a passcode. Or you can use your recovery key, a trusted phone number, and an Apple device to reset your password. Make sure the device is running iOS 11 or macOS High Sierra or later, and be sure to enter the complete recovery key including upper-case letters and hyphens."

What about this scenario: You have forgot your iCloud account password, but have your iCloud recovery key (28 characters on paper). No trusted devices anymore. Your phone stolen, no new SIM card yet, probably your telephone provider uncooperative or too slow, you decide you will need a new telephone and contract and telephone number.

1) Is a telephone number necessary which you had defined "as trusted" earlier on? Or a telephone number which you trust/possess as of now in the moment of iCloud password resetting?
The article should be very explicit here for people who want to be prepared for the worst case, such as me when reading this article.
2) Or can you start afresh with a Mac only?
3) Or a fresh iPhone with a new yet not trusted telephone number?

Ad 1: I interpret it as "a phone number you trust and have access to in that very moment of iCloud password resetting" as in the course of iCloud password resetting you will need to define at least one SMS-capable telephone number, so a Mac-only (#2) reset is not possible. You not necessarily need an iPhone, another SMS-capable phone will also suffice. All this is my interpretation/speculation. I would love some clarity here.

I hope to get an answer and the article to get more explicit precision at the ambiguous positions of the article to avoid any doubt. Thanks!


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