Distinguish been Events and Reminders calendars in CalCalendarStore

Number:rdar://10377730 Date Originated:01-Nov-2011 06:45 PM
Status:Closed Resolved:01-May-2012
Product:Mac OS X Product Version:11C74
Classification:Enhancement Reproducible:Always
CalCalendar objects retrieved through the CalCalendarStore API should show a distinction between events and reminders calendars.

Steps to Reproduce:
[[CalCalendarStore defaultCalendarStore] calendars];

Expected Results:
CalCalendar objects where it is distinguishable whether a calendar is an events or a tasks calendar.

Actual Results:
CalCalendar objects which look exactly the same if they are events or tasks calendars.


With Lion and iCloud calendars are split into two: calendars with events and calendars with tasks. This makes calendars appear to be duplicated in programs which allow calendar selection. The two calendars have the same name and colour, but in one you can create events and in the other you can create tasks. 

If our program can't tell the two apart, we can't expect our users to be able to. Being able to distinguish between the two is necessary to provide a good user experience.


Apple says this was resolved in OS X 10.8 Client Build 12A193i using " [EKCalendar allowedEntityTypes]".


Yes, this is really unbelievable that there is no way to distinguish these. Same is true for AppleScript by the way. Calendars also need a property to indicate whether they're stored locally or on iCloud.

By redrocklobster at July 6, 2012, 4:45 p.m. (reply...)

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