*** -[NSSet isSubsetOfSet:]: set argument is not an NSSet

Number:rdar://10946479 Date Originated:28-Feb-2012 11:34 AM
Status:Duplicate/10935136 Resolved:
Product:Developer Tools Product Version:Xcode 4.3
Classification: Reproducible:Yes

When using an ordered relation in Core Data the generator accessors to add items to the relation throw an exception

Steps to Reproduce:

Create an ordered one-to-many relation between two core data entities.

Create an element of each entity and attempt to add the child entity to the parent entity's ordered set with the generated accessors, [parent addChildrenObject:child] or [parent addChildren:[NSOrderedSet setWithObject:child]].

Expected Results:

Mazel tov! A new child for the parent.

Actual Results:

NSInvalidArgumentException "*** -[NSSet intersectsSet:]: set argument is not an NSSet" raised




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