Xcode build getting stuck on touch product

Number:rdar://10974135 Date Originated:
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:Developer Tools Product Version:4.3
Classification:Serious Bug Reproducible:Sometimes
02-Mar-2012 01:11 PM Doug Russell:
Summary: When performing a build in Xcode, it will sometimes become stuck on touch product and never finish building. Explicitly stopping the build or trying to start another build or a clean prompts to stop build, pressing stop causes the button to disable, but nothing happens. Xcode has to be force quit to resume work. Cleaning after restarting seems to resolve the issue most of the time.

Steps to Reproduce: Build a project

Expected Results: Project builds or fails

Actual Results: Stuck at touch product



Update 1:
08-Mar-2012 11:39 AM Apple Developer Bug Reporting Team :
Engineering has requested the following information in order to further investigate this issue:

Please attach a sample of Xcode from when it gets into this state.

Use the following steps:

1. While the application is running, launch Activity Monitor (/Applications/Utilities/)
2. Click on the application name to highlight
3. From the View Menu, select Sample Process
4. Click Save
5. Attach file(s) to this bug report.

Here is an alternative command line approach to using sample:

1. Do the following from Terminal (if the system is hung, try using ssh to connect and follow the steps)
2. Run "top" 
3. Identify the process taking a lot of CPU% 
4. "sample <process ID> 5 
5. "cp /tmp/* ~/Desktop/" 
6. If necessary, restart the machine and log in (if ssh was used, log in as the user you sshed into).  The sample file should now appear on your desktop.
7. Attach file(s) to this bug report.

More information about using "Sample" may be found on its man page, which can be retrieved by entering "man sample" in the Terminal.


If you are very patient the build will eventually complete

Unreasonably patient. It hangs for 2-10 full minutes or more on "Touch product", then continues and completes successfully. Activity Monitor shows 100%+ CPU usage on 13-14 threads during the hang period.

By marksydow1 at April 1, 2012, 2:55 a.m. (reply...)

another sample attached

I've had this happen probably 7-8 times in the 5 hours since I upgraded Xcode to 4.3.2 ... totally unusable development environment. Here's my sampled process -- http://y.signals.io/3R2f412o0z1A1X3F2B0x

By bryn.bellomy at March 27, 2012, 8:41 p.m. (reply...)

Still seeing this in Xcode Version 4.3.2 (4E2002)

I'm hitting this all the time….

It's crazy annoying..

Here's a sample from xCode when it's "touching product", relentlessly…

One note.. touch is NOT a process running when this occurs, lol.


Call me crazy, but I think this might be mds related…. some kind of rogue indexing that halts the build… I've found spotlight to be performing strange, massive index operations… and iffy syntax highlighting at times in recent xCode builds.

sample attached

I've hit this a couple times too. Here's a sample:


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