libarclite always linked into static library, producing linker errors

Number:rdar://11433499 Date Originated:11-May-2012 08:22 PM
Status:Fixed Resolved:
Product:Dev Tools Product Version:4.4DP4
Classification:Regression / Serious Bug Reproducible:Always
11-May-2012 08:22 PM Peter Steinberger:

Xcode 4.4 (all tested versions) libarclite is *always* linked into a binary, even for static libraries that *never*  should link libarclite, as this most likely always produces linker errors later on.

In 4.3, i solved the linking problem by setting the iOS min deployment target to 5.0 to NOT link it in. This is also far from ideal, but was a doable workaround.

Note that everything works great when using code as a submodule; however as I provide a commercial client this isn't a useful option.

Steps to Reproduce:


  `xcodebuild -project PSPDFKit.xcodeproj -scheme UniversalFramework -sdk iphoneos5.1`
check the Product folder, PSPDFKit.framework binary, contains libarclite when compiled with Xcode 4.4 but not with 4.3

(or open PSPDFKit.xcodeproj and compile the framework)

Expected Results:

No regression, no linking of libarclite.

Also, Xcode should be smart enough to not throw linker errors IF libarclite is linked multiple times.

Actual Results:



Contact / @steipete for more information.

11-May-2012 08:25 PM Peter Steinberger:
'' was successfully uploaded

11-May-2012 08:30 PM Peter Steinberger:
You'll find the binary that contains libarclite in Products/PSPDFKit.framework/Versions/A/PSPDFKit


Fixed in Xcode 4.4DP6/Xcode 4.5DP1.

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